Sunday, March 7, 2010

SOC 490 Week 2

People come from all over the world to the Cleveland Clinic, yet not everyone in Cuyahoga County is healthy.

This blog topic brings up an interesting point. The Cleveland Clinic is rated one of the best hospitals in the U.S. and yet not everyone in Cuyahoga County is healthy. Many would expect that having one of the best hospitals in the world nearby, majority of the people would be healthy. This is a problem that can be incorporated in to the discussion we had in class last Thursday, and that I have mentioned in my previous blogs.

Having a good hospital nearby does make any difference when the surrounding population makes poor health decisions. I am not implying that everyone in Cuyahoga County makes poor decisions. I am implying that not everyone in Cuyahoga County is reliant on the Clinic for their care. While the CC is one of the best hospitals in the world, it can not guarantee the health of everyone on the basis of location. It is only able to help those who ask for it. Would you expect someone who lived next to Disney World, but refused to visit it, to be constantly happy? The Cleveland Clinic is an organization that does its best to help keep people healthy. However, unless you can prove that all of Cuyohoga County relies on the Cleveland Clinic and that the Clinic is providing them poor health care, how can you just automatically expect them to be healthy?

Also, the Cleveland Clinic


  1. Eric, this was a great post. I was very interested to see how people would respond to this topic and I thought you made it very clear of what you were trying to say. Well done, young man.

  2. I agree with your point that just becuase people live near CC doesn't mean they have to go there. I live near Robinson Memorial hospital and never go there. Good job on you blog!

  3. Eric, As a responsible agency in the community, why isn't it responsible for helping people be healthier. Does it own anything to those people around it. well done. Always nice to read one your blogs. Be sure to incorporate the readings to help amplify or support your position.

  4. This was a very interesting blog. I like how you incorporated people's decisions into the topic. I did not think of it like that.
