Sunday, March 28, 2010

225 Week 5

The topic for this weeks Art History blog is the Trevi Fountain. The Trevi Fountain was completed in 1762 by Giuseppe Pannini, is 85x65 feet and is made of stone and marble. It's function was to mark the end of one of the major ancient aqueducts in the city. The Trevi Fountain is located in the Piazza de Trevi.

The Iconolgy of the Trevi Fountain consists mainly of myths. One myth surrounding the Trevi Fountain regards people throwing coins into the basin. Tradition says that if you throw a coin into the Fountain, it will guarantee another trip to Rome. There are also traditions that say two coins will lead to a new love, and three will lead to a marriage or a divorce.

The myths surrounding the Trevi Fountain are a testament to how important this work of art was in ancient times and still is today. There are probably a hundred or more fountains in Rome, however this is the one that people come to when they want to guarantee a trip back to Rome, a new love or marriage. This importance comes from the Fountain being attached to Romes most powerful aqueduct and such an elaborate scene of Neptune and other Triton's in the Fountain itself.


  1. Eric, good work describing some of the background of the fountain. I am not sure if you intended to blog about formal aspects, artist biography, historical period, or iconography. Remember you must be specific about the topic as well as the object.

  2. Eric, I was very excited to see that you blogged about the Trev. I have been there twice and had no clue why it was so important. Thank you for opening my eyes and I appreciate this blog. Ciao!

  3. I'm glad that you chose to blog about the Trevi Fountian. I have been there two time since we have been in Italy and it is baeutful. I never knew that the number of cions you threw in meant different things. Great blog!!

  4. Eric,
    I had no idea about the coins in the Trevi I only knew about the love part but didnt know about the different number of coins meaning different things that is really intresting! Good Work!
