Sunday, March 28, 2010

325 Week 5

The topic this week is the purpose of leisure. For our class excursion on Monday, we went to the Borghese Gardens. The Borghese Gardens remind me of New Yorks Central Park. I think that the purpose of leisure for Americans and Italians is slightly different.

As we discussed in class, Americans view leisure as "recharging the old battery to return to work". As Americans we feel that our time off is an opportunity to rest up and be able to work harder. I believe that for Americans the link between travelling and leisure is very strong. When we are able to get vacation time from work, in my experience, we very rarely stay at home. We would rather go visit and exciting, exotic place, that we really enjoy or have never been to before.

In my experience with Italians however, their view of leisure is slightly different. I believe that Italians are much more likely to view leisure as an opportunity to spend time with family and friends, rather than an opportunity to travel all over and see new places. Italians would rather spend their time with family and friends because they know these are people they can trust. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, Barzini describes Italians as suspicious people who believe that things are rarely what they seem, words have hidden meanings and basically that no one that they are not familiar with can be trusted. This molds their view of leisure because its allows them to spend more time with people they trust. It gives them a chance to let their guard down, and truly relax instead of constantly being on high alert for pickpockets, scams and thefts.

An example of this is our Campus Coordinator and friend, Danilo. Danilo had this past weekend off. He was free to do whatever he wanted, he could have travelled anywhere he wanted, and seeing as he is such a connected person with many friends, it would not have been hard to find a destination. However, instead of travelling all over Italy or Europe, he decided to go home and visit his Dad and brother. After a few weeks of taking us all over Rome and Italy, and looking out for us, I'm sure he was ready to relax (especially after Naples). Danilo did not need exotic places to be able to relax and unwind, all he needed was his family and those he trusted.


  1. I liked the blog. I believe leisure is seen differently in everyones eyes. But I believe the Italians see it the same way. They like to be with their family rather than travel for vacation.

  2. Nice blog Eric! I feel that different cultures do see leisure differently. I really like how Italians, as you said, view leisure as spending time with family and friends, I feel that Americans should maybe do that more often? I really like how at the end of your blog you mentioned how Danillo just went home to family for his free, or leisure, weekend. Keep up the good work.

  3. Eric, well done, excellent blog. Good use of experiences, texts, and Italians you know.

  4. Great blog, Eric. I like that you used Danilo as a example. The gardens were beautiful and realxing!
