Wednesday, March 10, 2010

HUm 225 Week 3

The Last Supper is probably one of my favorite works of art of all time. I enjoy it because there is so much going on in the picture, its detail really makes the viewer look at the painting if you want to understand what is going on. The Last Supper was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci from 1495-1498. It is currently located in the Santa Marie delle Grazie in Milan. It is 460cm x 880cm on canvas (Wikipedia).

There is alot of iconography in The Last Supper. In the painting, Jesus is having his last meal with all of his apostles. The picture is depicting the apostles reactions directly after Jesus tells them that one of them will betray him. If you look at the reactions of the apostles you will see looks of shock, anger and disbelief. The person whose reaction interests me the most is Judas. Judas, as we all know, was the apostle who sold Jesus out to Pilot. If you look at his reaction, he is the only one who is not showing some sort of emotion. Da Vinci also put his elbow on the table. This is just a basic observation, but I was always told, and still am, that having your elbow on the table is rude. I believe this is Da Vinci's way of showing that Judas knew what was going to happen, and that it may have been planned.


  1. Well done Eric. I also think this painting is amazing, and Da Vinci is one of my favorite artists. I never really thought about Judas being rude by putting his elbow on the table. That is a very interesting, and somewhat humorous observation.

  2. Eric,
    Good choice. I enjoy Da Vinci's paintings and this is too one of my favorites by him. I like how you made the observation about Judas' elbows on the table. That guy was one rude person.

  3. Eric, my boy, I was very impressed with you and the way you analyzed this painting. I am always interested to see what you have to say. I believe it was Clint who said we should reinact this soon. We will be turning to you for knowledge on this painting.

  4. Good work Eric! Lots of information! I never realized that Jusas' elbow was on the table, so I really like how you incorporated that! Keep up the good work!
