Wednesday, March 10, 2010

325 Week 3

Does history contribute to faith?

The blog topic this week, to me is very interesting. When I have thought about Jesus' life, I always think of my faith, what I have been taught about Him and what I know about my religion. I have never really thought of Jesus from a historical perspective. Its hard to remember sometimes that other people may not believe that Jesus is our Savior or our God.

My answer to this question is yes, history does contribute to our faith, however it is not the sole reason we believe. History is the basis for all religions. This is obvious after our class discussion. During class, Professor M brought up the fact that Judaism, Christianity and Islam have some common elements, such as Abraham. History, gives us proof that the elements of our faith (regardless of which one you believe in) really did exist. It is called history because it based on factual events and persons.

History gives faith a starting point. It allows us to start somewhere and then we form our own beliefs from there. For example, there is plenty of historical evidence that Jesus existed, very few people will deny that. However, as Peter says in his first letter, Christians believe that Jesus is our Savior and that we should be obedient to Him. Other religions view of Jesus however are very different. For example, when He was alive, the Jews considered Jesus a heretic, and eventually put him to death for his teachings. The conclusion I have come to is that faith is rooted in history, but perception, judgement and individuality form your faith.


  1. Eric, you made some great points in your blog this week. I can tell that you are a religious person and I am glad this experience is assisting your faith. Continue to grow, young peanut, and never stop learning!

  2. Eric, well done. Good integration of the readings and thoughtful reflection on your experiences. Good work. I think I liked this blog best of all so far! Looking forward to reading more from you.

  3. Eric,
    Good job. I really like the points that you made. I agree that history has a big part in religion and faith.

  4. Eric,
    You brought up many good points about how history and faith are intertwined but it is perception that is different. good work!

  5. I completely agree with you. I dont understand how anyone can deny religion after being to the places weve been to.
