Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This is it 325 WEEK 8

The topic for the final blog of the trip is to revisit your first blog, see how you have really changed and your thoughts on the trip. In my first blog, I said I wanted to gain a better appreciation for life in America and a better understanding of life in Italy. I came into this trip not knowing what to expect or how things would turn out. I can honestly say that this trip has met, and far exceeded any expectations I had coming in to it.

During this trip I have added so many things into my life. One thing I have gained from this a new appreciation for my life in America. Since I have been in Italy, I keep asking myself "Am I really seeing this right now?" We have seen and experienced so many amazing things while here, I finally have realized how fortunate I am. I have a new appreciation for my family, who have been there and supported me through not only this trip, but my entire life. Without them and their encouragement I don't think I would have ever came on this trip. This experience has shown me how truly blessed I am to have an opportunity to do the things I have done here.

I have also gained so much knowledge of Italians and daily life in Italy. Almost everything here is different that in the U.S. I will not say things in Italy are any better or worse than America, they are just different. Their have been things about Italy that I have found annoying. For example in my first blog I mentioned nearly getting pick pocketed, and since then we have numerous incidents of things being stolen or nearly being stolen. However through all of this I still love Italy. Whether it is the simple hand gestures or seeing the Scavi Tour, I have enjoyed every minute of Italian culture.

As I said earlier, this trip was everything I expected, and much, much more. I can honestly say that the past 8 weeks of my life have been the best I have ever experienced. I have never been able to say that I honestly did not want something to end, until now. While I am looking forward to going home, if it were up to me, I would extend our time here. One of the reasons this trip was so incredible is obviously the sights and the city of Rome itself. However, the main reason why I have loved this experience so much is because of the people I have been able to share it with. I could not imagine coming on this trip with anyone other than our group. The memories we have made I assure you will last a lifetime. I came into this experience not really being friends or knowing anyone. However I am leaving with 11 new friendships that I can't imagine not being present in my life.

I don't think I will really realize how much this trip has changed me until I go back to the United States. I am looking forward to it though because I know that any change that has occurred while I have been in Italy is only for the better. The past 8 weeks have been surreal. I don't know if I'll ever be able to truly explain to you how much they have meant to me. As I am preparing to depart from Italy, I can not help but feel that I am leaving a place that I will forever refer to as my "second home"

Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible at Walsh University: Dr. Palmer, Ryan Ozar and all those in the Global Learning Department. Special thanks to Danilo Mori, Sara Rathbun and Prof. Mustafaga you guys are incredible and made this trip "da best".


  1. Awesome man. It's been a great trip. Sounds like you not only enjoyed it, but took something special from the exprience. I am sure we all have, whether we realize it or not. Thanks for everything. Ciao.

  2. This was a great trip and i will also miss Italy so much. I cant imagine not seeing you guys everyday. If I had the choice I would make the trip longer too! Thanks for going to Saint Paul's with me yesterday!!

  3. Eric,
    This trip truly was amazing. And it was the people in the group that made it everything and so much more! The memories truly will last a lifetime. Thank you!

  4. ya man, i would def stay longer too. Its gonna be different going home. We had a good run as roomies.

  5. Eric, I am so happy you got the most out of this trip. Reading your blog made me appreciate this place even more. It will be interesting to see how we function in America again. "These are my people..." I'm glad I know you now. Don't stop 'til you get enough.

  6. Eric, well done. The great thing is we can always come back. Rome will always be there whenever we decide to return. Waiting to welcome us back home.

  7. This trip, and these people, definitely are "da best!" And, even while in America, this will be another home, just awaiting for our return! Nice blog, I'm glad this trip has changed you!
