Sunday, April 11, 2010

325 Week 7

For our walking tour evaluations Danilo, Carol, Pam and myself did a tour of the Borghese Gardens. Our tour was prepared by Ben, John and Andrea. The first thing we did after leaving Termini was take the Metro to the Gardens. After that, we decided to get some lunch. At first our tour started off fairly uneventful. It was a usual walking tour filled with some great sights and great information from Ben, Andrea and John. However about halfway through the tour trouble arose.

As we walking down one of the paths in Borghese, a man approached us and asked if we had seen a four year old girl, wearing a blue shirt and white skirt. We said no we had not, and asked if that was his daughter. He said yes and that she had wandered off about 15 minutes ago and that he had not notified the police. First thing we did was call the police. After they were on their way Danilo stayed to talk to the police while Carol, Pam and myself went looking for her. We looked all over, but the Carabinieri found her. After this adventure we continued with the tour.

Overall I would say Ben, Andrea and John's tour was excellent. They provided us with excellent directions and a lot of information on the sights within the park. We also had excellent weather, which is always good. My favorite part of the tour was the statue of Umberto. Without their tour, I do not think I would have ever known it was there. It is very easy to get lost in the park but they did a great job of navigating us around. They also had the idea of giving us bread to feed the ducks in the pond. A great way to finish the tour.


  1. By the way, the kid getting lost was actually a part of the tour. We wanted to spice things up. Thank you for the comments

  2. Eric, glad to see you finally getting around to posting this blog.
