Monday, February 22, 2010

325 Week 1

Many friends of mine have been to Rome, and they all leave saying they can't wait to go back. What is it about this city that makes it so great?? We came to the conclusion that a great city has history, tradition, diversity, attractions and outstanding architecture. Rome definitely meets these requirements. I haven't even been here for a full 2 days and I can promise you that Rome not only meets, but exceeds these expectations.

Today we had class for about an hour, then went into Rome. While in Rome we took tours of the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. I assure you that these sites alone allow Rome to be considered a great city. The Colosseum is absolutely incredible. It was built in the year 80, and how they managed to do that I have no idea. The Roman Forum was also incredible. How they were able build such impressive buildings without technology I have no idea.

When people come back from here they talk about how much living here has changed them. One thing I hope to gain from this experience is a better appreciation for life in America, and a new understanding of how people live in Italy. Seeing as I have never been here before, I am coming in with a open mind.

For example, I already have a better appreciation for home already. While I was walking out of the subway today I think someone tried to pick pocket me. Back home in Mentor or even Cleveland I don't have don't have worry about this. Luckily he checked my back pocket and I kept my wallet in the front. :-D Whenever I'm walking around Rome I am constantly tapping my pocket to make sure I still have my things. I also try to not to show how much many I have on me as well. O well, I guess that's how things work here. But that's all for now, I'll have another one soon.


1 comment:

  1. Eric, nice blog, good work incorporating your experience in Rome within the blog. Be sure to incorporate the readings as well next time. This is fine, satisfactory, and acceptable. Looking forward to reading more about changes you notice in yourself.
